Archives for The IT Manager

GDPR and CyberSecurity

Fixing Windows Updates

Static Blogging with Pelican - Part 2

Cameron to Ban End-to-End Encryption?

A Necessary Storm

Static blogging with Pelican - Part 1

Cygwin, Crontab and Shared Windows Drives

How to script an entire SQL Server instance

Scottish Independence - Can the Yes camp win?

Exchange 2010 - How to Monitor Mailbox Sizes

Setting up OAuth2 for Gmail

Gun Crime and Video Games

Useful ActiveDirectory PowerShell Scripts



Tax Burden

Old Rants

Ever seen them in the same room?

State Sponsored Theft

Preaching to the choir

Biker Porn


Minority Report is here!

BT Infinity 2 with Apple Airport

Some serious HTML5 skills

Anytune Pro+: Breaking Down the solo from Back In Black


Davie and a dobro